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Argos: Super Cool Multitouch Music Interface Builder

If you’re familiar with the Jazzmutant Lemur, you’ll want to get familiar with Argos Interface Builder by Dimitri Diakopoulos using the great c++ framework openFrameworks.

Last summer I took part in Google Summer of Code as a mentor. Dimitri proposed a multitouch music interface builder and I thought it was a fantastic idea. An opensource lemur; who wouldn’t like that??? Dimitri was chosen as a student for GSoC and I was able to mentor him as he developed Argos. It’s come a long way, and with a little help from the opensource community, it has potential to be incredible!

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The Beta – tbeta – IT”S HERE!!! New mac/win/linux multitouch tracker!

It’s been a loooong way for many of you, but finally the new tracker has been made public!

Checkout the tbeta website where you can download and read the getting started full guide to see how easy it is to use!


note: if you like the old touchlib tracker better, you can still use it if you’re on windows.

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Mac anyone? New multitouch tracker on it’s way!

Well, I haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped development. Actually, I’ve done the opposite and have been developing with a release date coming soon (hopefully).

I applied for GSoC a couple months ago and my project was chosen and I am have been a student under Natural User Interface Group (NUIGroup) ever since. For my project, I’ve been working on a multitouch framework/lux.

For the last few weeks (with the help of my mentor Christian Moore) I’ve been working on porting over touchlib (the main tracker of the NUIGroup community) to openframeworks. A few reasons we chose to use openframeworks is because it’s (1) Cross-platform (it’ll work on windows/mac/linux), (2) It’s easy to
