Greetings, fellow earthling
to the
Seth Sandler
click here and enjoy the ride!

Hi, I'm Seth — I think.

I'm an aspiring inspirer and happiness deliverer in training. During the day, I'm an interactive designer, developer and consultant, but enjoy spending time learning about leadership, organization, and user experience. I'm a permanent student of all things.

People tell me I'm most known for creating the Sparkon Network, the Multitouch Mini (MTmini), Audiotouch, being co-founder and developer of Community Core Vision (CCV/tbeta), NUIGroup.

As a creative, I think it's a rule that I'm not allowed to have a standard biography. However, if I did, it'd probably sound something like:

Seth Sandler is a musician, educator, researcher, developer, tinkerer and artist. He has a degree in Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts with an emphasis in Music from the University of California, San Diego. His background involves both music and art and he often focuses on how they relate. Seth has taught music and leadership at High Schools throughout the Southern California area and is currently pursuing research and development in the area of natural user and multi-touch interfaces.

I know...

  • Languages
    • PHP
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • AS2 / AS3
    • C++
  • Languages
    • PHP
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • AS2 / AS3
    • C++
  • Applications
    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
    • PureData
    • Flash / FlashBuilder
    • SVN / GIT
    • Redmine
    • Finale
  • Frameworks
    • Drupal
    • Wordpress
    • jQuery
    • openCV
    • openFrameworks
    • Processing
    • TUIO


Tunable - Instrument Tuner

Tunable, the most intuitive visual toolkit for musicians. Tunable is a chromatic tuner, tone/chord generator and metronome that helps you learn to play steadily, in tune, and on beat. Featuring a unique “tuning history” display for visualizing pitch over time, Tunable is the perfect toolkit for professional and beginning musicians.
Work By: AffinityBlue
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Programming


While developing our next app, Tunable, we were having a hard time deciding on an App Icon. So, I built a handy tool, IconDrop, to help us visualize our icon designs against others in our category. Try it out yourself by clicking 'live preview' below.
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Programming


Buzzed was an iOS application that allowed people to order, pay, and pickup food and drinks through their phones. I was co-founder and iOS developer on the project.
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Programming

Pirate or Ninja

Pirate or Ninja helps you and your matees discover, experience and conquer the world around you. Play with your friends to conquer over 750,000 locations to unlock content and special perks. Train your pirate or ninja skills with massive social battles to become the ultimate pirate or ninja. This was an app released on the AppStore but has since been shut down.
Work By: BLACK Design
My Project Role:
  • Concept
  • Programming


Co-commissioned by Head for Arts and Arnolfini and conceptuilized by The Incidental, FEED is a real-time sampler and audio playback application for iOS. My role is in the implementation of the multitouch gesture interactions as well as many of the visual aspect implementations.
Client: theincidental
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Crimson Cadets iOS App

I was approached by the Band Director of the Crimson Cadets music program to design an application for their program. The Crimson Cadets application includes useful information about the Crimson Cadets organization such as: rehearsal and performance calendar, news, and parent and student information.
Client: Murrieta Valley High School Band
Work By: AffinityBlue
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Design
  • Programming

NodeBeat: Generative Music Sequencer

A collaboration between Justin Windle, Laurence Muller and myself, NodeBeat is an experimental node-based audio sequencer and generative music application for the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, and Playbook. By combining music and exploration, NodeBeat allows anyone to create a variety of rhythmic sequences and ambient melodies in a fun and intuitive fashion.
Work By: AffinityBlue
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Design
  • Programming

Multi-touch Biggie

A Multitouch Biggie, MTbiggie for short, is a low-cost multitouch table. I created the Multitouch Biggie to show people how something that seems complicated or 'magical' can be made simply and at low cost. The MTbiggie has been featured in several online publications.
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Fabrication

Sparkon Network

sparkon is a social platform for people that are inspired (sparked) by creative and emerging technology. A personal project, sparkon was built to meet a need I felt was missing in the interactive technology space.
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Programming

TEDxSanDiego Presentation

In 2010, I was approached by Shannon Spanhake to program a simulation for her mobile pollution monitors for her TEDxSanDiego Presentation. The simulation showcased mobile pollutions monitors traveling throughout the San Diego area gathering pollution information as they travel. The simulation helped present the significant cost reduction between current pollution monitor and Shannon Spanhake's mobile solution.
Client: Shannon Spanhake
My Project Role:
  • Design
  • Programming

GE Healthcare @ RSNA 2010

RSNA Healthy Imagination is an interactive multi-touch application that allows you to take an in depth look at the relationship between health risk factors and common conditions by country. The application was built for multi-touch interaction and to be shown at RSNA 2010.
Client: GE
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

GE @ TEDMED: Visualizing Health

GE's Visualizing Health is an interactive multi-touch application that allows you to take an in depth look at the relationship between health risk factors and common conditions by state. The application was built for multi-touch interaction and adapted for use on the web. Visualizing Health debuted at TEDMED 2010.
Client: GE
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Design
  • Programming

Multi-touch Hand Scanners

This project involved custom hand scanner and multi-touch displays. Users would enter their information on the display, place their hand and the resulting image scan would display on a large map geotagged with their location. My role involved programming the applications as well as the hand scanning computer vision elements.
Client: Pharmaceutical Company
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

ABC Extreme Home Makeover Mirror

Conceptualized by Interference Inc./The Supertouch Group, the interactive mirror was a donation to 'Girl's Hope' home makeover featured on ABC's Extreme Home Makeover premiere episode in 2010. The mirror featured an Artboard, Puzzle Game, and Social News feed.
Client: ABC
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Design
  • Programming

Interactive Multi-touch Wave Table

The Interactive Multi-touch Wave Table is a wave-shaped multi-touch table designed by Interference Inc./SuperTouch and showcased information about the pharmaceutical company. My role involved programming the application being utilized on the table.
Client: Pharmaceutical Company
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Pharmaceutical Mirror and KOL

The mirror and KOL consists of two interactive displays for a leading pharmaceutical company. The mirrors scan a user's height and cater the experience to the user as they explore information about the product. The KOL units sense a user's presence and welcome them to use the display. My role for the project involved software adjustments and height scanning.
Client: Pharmaceutical Company
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Aéropostale Interactive Mirror

The Aéropostale interactive mirror was developed for Aéropostale's new kids line and placed in their pilot store in New York. The mirror consists of 3 applications that include a maze, drawing board, and mirror.
Client: Aéropostale
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Wonka Imaginator

The Wonka Imaginator is an adaptation of Wonkavision for the website. My role involved adapting the Wonkavision Artboard application to be used on the website.
Client: Wonka Candy
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Recombinant Media Labs 360 Cinema

This install consisted of 10 individual screens, 12 feet wide x 6 feet 9 inches tall. Together they formed a rectangle 24 feet x 36 feet. 10 projectors, 1 per screen, projected on each screen to create a full 360 surround experience. The setup was complimented by a 10 channel audio setup with dedicated microphones, 28 MM-4 miniature loudspeakers, 12 UPJ-1P VariO loudspeakers, and eight UMS-1P subwoofers.
Client: UCSD + RML
My Project Role:
  • Engineering
  • Fabrication

Wonkavision Interactive Mirror

Wonkavision is an Interactive Mirror used for Wonka Candy's Bamboozled music tour. My role involved programming 3 interactive games (Maze, Photo Hunt, and Artboard) that featured Wonka Candy.
Client: Wonka Candy
Work By: Interference/SuperTouch
My Project Role:
  • Programming

Community Core Vision (CCV)

Community Core Vision (CCV) is a computer vision framework for multitouch and other emerging interaction types. I co-founded and developed CCV for Google Summer of Code in 2008. It has since been downloaded over 1,000,000 times and utilized by companies, researchers, and hobbyists around the world.
My Project Role:
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Programming

Multi-touch Mini

The Multi-touch mini is an inexpensive multi-touch pad that can be built within a few minutes. I created a 'MTmini' tutorial on how to build the pad for the purpose of sharing the technology and introducing a low cost solution. The video currently has nearly 2 million views.
My Project Role:
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Fabrication
  • Programming

Squirrel Mobile Pollution Monitors

The Squirrel Mobile Pollution Monitor is a device, created by Shannon Spanhake, that measures pollution levels and can interface with various mobile devices. I developed a playful interface for Shannon to showcase the device's capabilities. The interface displays on a cell phone the current pollution levels (ppm) and animates environmental changes based on those levels.
Client: Shannon Spanhake
My Project Role:
  • Design
  • Programming

Audiotouch Multi-touch Enviornment

AudioTouch is an interactive multi-touch interface for computer music exploration and collaboration. The interface features audio based applications that make use of multiple users and simultaneous touch inputs on a single multi-touch screen.
My Project Role:
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Fabrication
  • Programming

Slider: A Dynamic Multi-player Game

Slider is a tangible multi-player game. The games utilizes reactivision software, along with Flash, to detect fiduciary (symbol) block movements. The game is played by moving these symbols on a table. Players can enter and exit the playing field at any time. The game adapts to the number of players. The lower the score the better; the first player with a score of 12 ends the game.
My Project Role:
  • Concept
  • Design
  • Programming


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