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Audiotouch OS – Flash Multi-touch Audio Environment

Well, I never did a ‘proper’ video of my Audiotouch work, so after 2 years I decided to reshoot some video and experiment with my new HD video camera. The video is also in preparation for another how-to video that I’m developing that builds off the Mtmini video (check that out if you haven’t ) and shows how to create a simple multi-touch surface quick and easy.

I’m hoping to eventually get back to these applications and improve on a few of them. They’ve gone untouched for almost 2 years and were originally written prior to the iphone, ipad, and microsoft surface. It’s amazing how far the technology has come in such a short time.

[youtube 8IPRES6WF50]

Enjoy and let

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Audiotouch @ UCSD Music Center this Saturday!


University of California, San Diego has finished their new Music center and will be having their opening this Saturday.

It’s last minute, but for those that are around the San Diego or La Jolla area tomorrow, i’ll be demoing my multitouch table and Audiotouch software between 1pm and 4pm at the opening.

There will be a public open house between Noon–4:00 p.m. “Free and open to the public. Come and explore the excellent architecture and state-of-the-art facilities. With demonstrations and free concerts, including recitals by Cecil Lytle (noon), Janos Negyesy, (2 p.m.), and Aleck Karis, (4 p.m.).”

Location: UCSD Music Center http://music.ucsd.edu/MusicCenter/opening.php

Time: Noon-4:00pm (I’ll be setup at 1:00)

Cost: Free (including parking)

It should be a great openin; if

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Musical Squares update!

Well, I’ve made some additions, some changes and came up with an overall complete version of Musical Squares. Complete does not mean finished though, expect massive updates and much more functionality. This version is good enough to be called “Version 1” I would say.

In this version, I changed the 8 original notes to 5 notes (pentatonic scale) with 3 percussive tones. It sounds…well..interesting. I also added the ability to remove squares by dragging them outside the main stage and adding new squares by pressing on the colored squares on either side.

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Musical Squares…get it?

Well, Musical Squares isn’t anything like Musical Chairs, but it’s fun nonetheless. Who wouldn’t like throwing around objects that emit tones (sounds) when they hit each other?

I started working on this second music program as an aim to explore other musical possibilities. Right now there’s not too much functionality, and it’s a basic proof-of-concept as there isn’t much practical application for it yet. It’s based off another existing (single touch) online program called “Pianolina” that I hope to improve and build off of. The most recognized aspect between the original application and this one will be the multi-user, multi-touch aspect.

There is still a lot to be done to make things not so chaotic sounding. Currently, you can
