27,625 views 10 comments

How to Combine and Display Your Facebook, Twitter, and Comment Counts

Combining your blog’s comment count with social sharing counts such as facebook and twitter can give a better indication to your readers how people truly react to your posts.

While some posts may get few comments, they may get hundreds or thousands of retweets, facebook shares, or bookmarks. Showing the true spread of your writing can inspire people to share and comment more frequently. You could use the big, bulky buttons to display individual facebook and twitter counts, but we’re going to take a look at combining the total numbers of comment, facebook, and twitter counts into one display.

198,270 views 241 comments

How to Create an Awesome Facebook Profile

If you haven’t switched over to the new Facebook profile, you’re missing out!  The creative community (and techcrunch) are buzzing about Alexandre Oudin’s use of the new profile design to be creatively awesome and expressive.

So, here’s how to do it too and stand out in the blue and white that makes up Facebook.

41,971 views 16 comments

8 Other Ways to Create An Awesome Facebook Profile

If you’ve been following the Facebook profile action,  there’s now 8 more ways to easily create a unique Facebook profile page. No Photoshop or GIMP required! So, here’s the roundup!
