9,656 views 15 comments

The Beta – tbeta – IT”S HERE!!! New mac/win/linux multitouch tracker!

It’s been a loooong way for many of you, but finally the new tracker has been made public!

Checkout the tbeta website where you can download and read the getting started full guide to see how easy it is to use!


note: if you like the old touchlib tracker better, you can still use it if you’re on windows.

4,507 views 24 comments

Mac anyone? New multitouch tracker on it’s way!

Well, I haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped development. Actually, I’ve done the opposite and have been developing with a release date coming soon (hopefully).

I applied for GSoC a couple months ago and my project was chosen and I am have been a student under Natural User Interface Group (NUIGroup) ever since. For my project, I’ve been working on a multitouch framework/lux.

For the last few weeks (with the help of my mentor Christian Moore) I’ve been working on porting over touchlib (the main tracker of the NUIGroup community) to openframeworks. A few reasons we chose to use openframeworks is because it’s (1) Cross-platform (it’ll work on windows/mac/linux), (2) It’s easy to

2,705 views 9 comments

8,000 hits, 1000 Downloads and new AudioTouch Multitouch OS!

In such a short amount of time I’ve hit 1000 downloads! Well, actually it’s 1062 to be exact. Thanks everyone who has been testing and downloading the applications. Feel free to let me know how everything is running. I’d love to hear more feedback.

On another note, the table is about ready for display! It features 4 access points that allow people to load a menu where they can select applications to load. Many applications can be loaded and at the same time. Pressing on the desktop creates wind and glitch type sounds. There’s currently 4 other applications that can be loaded which include: Musical Wong (to be released soon), Musical Squares, Audioshape Sequencer, and MultiKey (half and whole keyboard).
